Top Sites To Stay Updated About The Newest Hyper Casual Games

You’re looking for resources for inspiration for you mobile game? and you have trouble with that ? don’t worry it’s not that hard if you know where to look for inspiration. As I said in the last article How to find ideas for your next hyper casual game, you have to stay updated with the newest hyper casual games published on the store, you can’t make a successful game if you don’t know what is trending, what kind of games the players like more.

In this article I give a list of the best websites that I check daily to know what’s going on in mobile game industry and specially hyper casual games, so lets start 🙂

Store Glide

Store Glide do the same work like Fnd, first you select the store you want Apple or Google, then tick free in the application type, and games in the category, select US in countries, and don’t forget to limit countries in 1 to have only games in the country that you select before. if you’re interested only by hyper casual casual games Store Glide would be the best place check for newest games in the store.

store glide newest games


Fnd one of the best sites to stay updated about top games and trends, you can select top free games category in the US.


App Annie

App Annie is a famous websites that you can use to be well informed about what’s trending. If you access the website via google in the head bar select Top App in resources, will takes you to top ios app in Us, you can select games in category to keep only games data, or you can just click here.

App Annie

App Sliced

App sliced another great website to stay updated with all new games in the store. In Shop apps select Newest then you can adjust the newest filters:

App Sliced


For an hyper casual games developer the Instagram would be the best way to stay in touch with the game trends, you can across many ideas while scrolling your instagram home page.

Here is some useful channels to follow :

Hyper casual games


Also on youtube there is many channels that share the best hyper casual games published on the store :

  • NewGamesDaily shares daily newest hyper casual games in the store
  • RisingHigh shares the top 12 hyper casual games every month